How to make business at the Speed of Light

My Jenoptik "photonics" story: Valuing business at the speed of light To understand my story, we have to go back and explain what photonics are, briefly more than that it is the greek word for light (photon). In 1839, the french physicist Edmond Becquerel builds the world’s first photo voltaic cell, thereby demonstrating the photo voltaic effect, i.e. t he generation of electric current in a material upon exposure to light . If we fast forward to 2021, the future lies in phot o nic computer chips that can operate at speeds 1,000 times faster than the human brain. If you would like to know how your life would have look liked today without photonics, check out A Day Without Photonics: A modern horror story Now that we've covered almost 200 years of history and some fundamentals, let's look at how a former Communist country's most prized technology concern, created by the Soviet Union after World War II from the factories its troops had seized from th...